Nos événements

En ligne ou hors ligne, nos experts sont là pour vous aider. Rejoignez-nous pour une session éducative, une présentation de notre plateforme ou simplement pour discuter autour d'un café - parce que le B2B est toujours mieux en "Face2Face".

Meet Productsup at events and conferences around the world.

Événements mondiaux

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    Las Vegas, USA

    March 17 – 20, 2024

    Meet Productsup at this ultimate gathering of the top 10,000+ executives in retail. Learn exclusive insights from industry leaders, meet like-minded innovators, and walk away inspired to implement the latest trends.

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    eTail Germany

    Berlin, Germany

    March 19 – 20, 2024

    Join us at the eTail Germany conference to discuss the future of commerce. Meet the team at our stand, where we’ll discuss how businesses like yours can get more products to consumers with a successful product-to-consumer (P2C) strategy.

  • Savant ecommerce conference in Stockholm, Sweden.

    Savant eCommerce

    Stockholm, Sweden

    April 10 – 11, 2024

    Meet Productsup at Savant eCommerce where over 140 ecommerce leaders from the Nordic's top brands and retailers will gather in Stockholm for two days of interactive discussions. The symposium caters to all sectors, including fashion, consumer electronics, food, homeware, and beauty.

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    iMedia Online Retail Summit

    Gold Coast, Australia

    April 29 – May 1, 2024

    Meet Productsup at this invitation-only, 3-day event for senior ecommerce professionals. With over 200 retailers and 200 solution providers expected, this unique networking and learning event brings together the top thought leaders from the online retail community.

Pour une réussite durable à l'avenir, pensez P2C aujourd'hui

Contactez-nous pour savoir comment une stratégie P2C efficace peut vous aider à garantir votre réussite commerciale de demain.

Des clients conquis. Des exemples concrets de réussite.

Découvrez comment Productsup procure un avantage commercial à notre clientèle en forte croissance dans le monde entier.